

Hosteons.com provides free IPv6 IP with all our VPS packages. Our VPS comes with IPv4 as well as a free /64 IPv6 IP allocation.

Some VPS providers provide Native IPv6 while some provide IPv6 Tunnel, but we give native IPv6 that too a /64 to make sure our clients don’t face any latency or networking issues with our IPv6 IP

IPv6 is very important these days as internet is slowly moving towards IPv6 and we should be a part of this movement, moreover certain sites IPv6 only, with IPV6 you can even access those sites.

Free RDNS control panel for IPv6 i.e. you can setup PTR Record for your IPv6 on your own from your VPS Control Panel

We even allow IRC and since a lot of IRC servers are IPv6 enabled you can now access these servers easily.

Even SMTP Port is Open

So order your IPv6 Enabled VPS from: https://hosteons.com/vps.php

We have even added IPV6 Only VPS Package now available at https://my.hosteons.com/cart.php?gid=27 – These new IPv6 Only VPS Packages are on Gigabit Port but no IPv4 only IPv6, if you want a VPS with IPv4 as well as IPv6 you can order our regular VPS Packages

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